Обзор окон интерфейсов в устройствах Teltonika TRB245
ООО «Цифровой Ангел»
Если у вас возникают проблемы с поиском этой страницы или некоторых параметров, описанных здесь, в веб-интерфейсе вашего устройства, вам следует включить режим «Расширенный веб-интерфейс». Это можно сделать, нажав кнопку «Основные» в разделе «Режим», который находится в правом верхнем углу веб-интерфейса.
Сетевые интерфейсы
В разделе «Сетевые интерфейсы» отображаются интерфейсы, которые в данный момент существуют на этом устройстве.
Если у вас возникают проблемы с поиском этой страницы или некоторых параметров, описанных здесь, в веб-интерфейсе вашего устройства, вам следует включить режим «Расширенный веб-интерфейс». Это можно сделать, нажав кнопку «Основные» в разделе «Режим», который находится в правом верхнем углу веб-интерфейса.
Сетевые интерфейсы
В разделе «Сетевые интерфейсы» отображаются интерфейсы, которые в данный момент существуют на этом устройстве.
Добавить интерфейс
Раздел Добавить интерфейс используется для создания дополнительных сетевых интерфейсов. Чтобы создать новый интерфейс, просто введите для него свое имя и нажмите кнопку «Добавить».
Конфигурация интерфейса
Этот раздел предоставляет информацию о конфигурации сетевого интерфейса. На устройстве есть два основных типа интерфейсов:
Локальная сеть Ethernet
Мобильный WAN
Каждый тип использует обычно использует эти протоколы интерфейса:
Static | DHCP | DHCPv6 | PPPoE | Mobile | |
Ethernet LAN |
Mobile WAN |
Чтобы начать настройку интерфейса, нажмите кнопку «Изменить» в правой части интерфейса:
Интерфейсы: if_name
Этот раздел охватывает все параметры, непосредственно связанные с сетевым интерфейсом.
Общая настройка
Раздел General Setup используется для настройки протокола и всех различных параметров, которые соответствуют каждому протоколу. Этот раздел отличается для каждого протокола.
Общая настройка: статическая
Статический протокол использует предопределенную ручную конфигурацию вместо автоматического получения параметров через аренду DHCP.
Field | Value | Description |
IPv4 address | ip4; default[for LAN]: | The IPv4 address interface of this interface. An IP address identifies a device on a network and allows it to communicate with other devices. |
IPv4 netmask | netmask; default[for LAN]: | The IPv4 netmask of this interface. A netmask is used to define how "large" a network is by specifying which part of the IP address denotes the network and which part denotes a device. |
IPv4 gateway | ip4; default: none | The IPv4 gateway address used by this interface. An interface's default gateway is the default address through which all outgoing traffic is directed. |
IPv4 broadcast | ip4; default: none | The IPv4 broadcast address used by this interface. IP broadcasts are used by BOOTP and DHCP clients to find and send requests to their respective servers. |
DNS servers | ip4; default: none | DNS server addresses that this interface will use. If left empty, DNS servers are assigned automatically. To see what DNS servers are currently used, you can check the contents of the /tmp/resolv.conf.auto file. |
Общая настройка: DHCP
Протокол DHCP используется для настройки интерфейса, который автоматически получает параметры конфигурации через аренду DHCP.
Field | Value | Description |
Hostname to send when requesting DHCP | string; default: none | A hostname for this interface used to identify this machine on the DHCP server. |
Общая настройка: DHCPv6
Протокол DHCPv6 используется для настройки интерфейса IPv6, который автоматически получает параметры конфигурации через аренду DHCP.
Field | Value | Description |
Request IPv6-address | try | force | disabled; default: try | Defines the behaviour for requesting an address. |
Request IPv6-prefix of length | integer [0..64] | Automatic | disabled ; default: Automatic | Defines how this will request a IPv6 ULA-Prefix length. If set to 'disabled' the interface will obtain a single IPv6 address without a subnet for routing. |
Общая настройка: PPPoE
Протокол PPPoE используется для настройки соединения PPP (двухточечный протокол) через порт Ethernet.
Field | Value | Description |
PAP/CHAP username | string; default: none | Username used in PAP/CHAP authentication. |
PAP/CHAP password | string; default: none | Password used in PAP/CHAP authentication. |
Access Concentrator | string; default: none | The Access Concentrator to connect to. ISPs used Access Concentrators to route their PPPoE connections. Usually, the settings are received automatically, however in some cases it is required to specify the name for an Access Concentrator. Leave empty to detect Access Concentrators automatically. |
Service name | string; default: none | The Service Name to connect to. Leave empty to detect Service name automatically. |
Общая настройка: мобильный
Мобильный протокол используется для настройки интерфейса, который может устанавливать мобильное WAN-соединение.
Field | Value | Description |
Mode | NAT | Bridge | Passthrough; default: NAT |
Mobile connection operating mode.
PDP Type | IPv4 | IPv6 | IPv4/IPv6; default: IPv4 | Specifies what of address will be requested from the operator. |
SIM | SIM1 | SIM2; default: SIM1 | Select which sim will be used for this interface. |
Auto APN | off | on; default: on | The Auto APN feature scans an internal Android APN database and selects an APN based on the SIM card's operator and country. If the first automatically selected APN doesn't work, it attempts to use the next existing APN from the database. |
APN / Custom APN | string; default: none |
An Access Point Name (APN) is a gateway between a GSM, GPRS, 3G or 4G mobile network and another computer network. Depending on the contract, some operators may require you to use an APN just to complete the registration on a network. In other cases, APN is used to get special parameters from the operator (e.g., a public IP address) depending on the contract. An APN Network Identifier cannot start with any of the following strings:
Authentication Type | NONE | PAP | CHAP; default: NONE | Authentication method that your GSM carrier uses to authenticate new connections on its network. If you select PAP or CHAP, you will also be required to enter a username and password. |
Bridge | Passthrough: MAC Address | mac; default: none |
Specifies the MAC address of the device that will receive the mobile interface's IP address in Bridge or Passthrough mode. Note: this field only becomes visible when using Bridge or Passthrough mode. |
Расширенные настройки
Раздел «Дополнительные настройки» используется для настройки некоторых более специфичных и менее часто используемых параметров интерфейса. Этот раздел отличается для каждого протокола.
Расширенные настройки: статический
Информация о расширенных настройках статического протокола приведена в таблице ниже.
Field | Value | Description |
Bring up on boot | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether the interface should be launched during the boot process. If set to off, the interface would have to be brought up manually after each boot. |
Use built in IPv6-management | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether to enable prefix delegation. |
Force link | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether interface settings (IP, route, gateway) are assigned to the interface regardless of the link being active or only after the link has become active. |
Override MAC address | mac; default: none | When set, uses a user-defined MAC address for the interface. |
Override MTU | integer [1..9200]; default: none | Changes the interface's allowed maximum transmission unit (MTU) size. It is the largest size of a protocol data unit (PDU) that can be transmitted in a single network layer transaction. |
Use gateway metric | integer; default: none | A metric specifies the priority of the gateway. The lower the metric, the higher the priority (0 for highest priority). |
IPv6 assignment length | integer [0..64] | disabled; default: 60 | Delegates a prefix of given length to the interface. |
IPv6 address | ip6; default: none |
The interface's IPv6 address. An IP address identifies a device on a network and allows it to communicate with other devices. NOTE: this field only becomes visible when IPv6 assignment length is set to disabled. Note: this field only becomes visible when IPv6 assignment length is set to disabled |
IPv6 gateway | ip6; default: none |
IPv6 prefix routed here for use on other interfaces. Note: this field only becomes visible when IPv6 assignment length is set to disabled. |
IPv6 routed prefix | ip6; default: none |
IPv6 prefix routed here for use on other interfaces. Note: this field only becomes visible when IPv6 assignment length is set to disabled. |
IPv6 assignment hint | string; default: none | The subprefix-ID that should be delegated as hexadecimal number. |
IPv6 suffix | ip6 suffix; default: none | When an IPv6 prefix (like 'a:b:c:d::') is received from a delegating server, use a suffix (like '::1') to form an IPv6 address ('a:b:c:d::1') for the interface. Leave empty to generate a random suffix. |
Расширенные настройки: DHCP
Информация о расширенных настройках для протокола DHCP приведена в таблице ниже.
Field | Value | Description |
Bring up on boot | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether the interface should be launched during the boot process. If set to off, the interface would have to be brought up manually after each boot. |
Use built-in IPv6 management | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether to enable prefix delegation. |
Force link | off | on; default: off | Specifies whether interface settings (IP, route, gateway) are assigned to the interface regardless of the link being active or only after the link has become active. |
Use broadcast flag | off | on; default: off | Required for certain ISPs. For example, Charter with DOCSIS 3. |
Use default gateway | off | on; default: on | When checked, creates a default route for the interface. |
Use DNS servers advertised by peer | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether to use DNS servers obtained automatically or specified manually. |
Use custom DNS servers | off | on; default: on |
Specifies whether to use DNS servers obtained automatically or specified manually. Note: this field only becomes visible when Use DNS servers advertised by peer is set to off |
Use gateway metric | integer; default: none | A metric specifies the priority of the gateway. The lower the metric, the higher the priority (0 for highest priority). |
Client ID to send when requesting DHCP | string; default: none | Client ID which will be sent when requesting a DHCP lease. |
Vendor Class to send when requesting DHCP | string; default: none | Vendor class which will be sent when requesting a DHCP lease. |
Override MAC address | mac; default: none | Override MAC address of the WAN interface. For example, your ISP (Internet Service Provider) gives you a static IP address and it might also bind it to your computers MAC address (i.e., that IP will only work with your computer but not with your device). In this field you can enter your computer’s MAC address and fool the gateway in to thinking that it is communicating with your computer. |
Override MTU | integer [1..9200]; default: none | Changes the interfaces allowed maximum transmission unit (MTU) size. It is the largest size of a protocol data unit (PDU) that can be transmitted in a single network layer transaction. |
Расширенные настройки: DHCPv6
Информация о расширенных настройках протокола DHCPv6 приведена в таблице ниже.
Field | Value | Description |
Bring up on boot | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether the interface should be launched during the boot process. If set to off, the interface would have to be brought up manually after each boot. |
Use built in IPv6-management | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether to enable prefix delegation. |
Force link | off | on; default: off | Specifies whether interface settings (IP, route, gateway) are assigned to the interface regardless of the link being active or only after the link has become active. |
Use default gateway | off | on; default: on | When checked, creates a default route for the interface. |
Use DNS servers advertised by peer | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether to use DNS servers obtained automatically or specified manually. |
Use custom DNS servers | off | on; default: on |
Specifies whether to use DNS servers obtained automatically or specified manually. Note: this field only becomes visible when Use DNS servers advertised by peer is set to off |
Custom delegated IPv6-prefix | ip6 prefix; default: none | Uses an (additional) user-provided IPv6 prefix for distribution to clients. |
Client ID to send when requesting DHCP | string; default: none | Client ID which will be sent when requesting a DHCP lease. |
Override MAC address | mac; default: none | When set, uses a user-defined MAC address for the interface. |
Override MTU | integer [1..9200]; default: none | Changes the interface's allowed maximum transmission unit (MTU) size. It is the largest size of a protocol data unit (PDU) that can be transmitted in a single network layer transaction. |
Расширенные настройки: PPPoE
Информация о расширенных настройках для протокола PPPoE представлена в таблице ниже.
Field | Value | Description |
Bring up on boot | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether the interface should be launched during the boot process. If set to off, the interface would have to be brought up manually after each boot. |
Use built-in IPv6 management | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether to enable prefix delegation. |
Force link | off | on; default: off | Specifies whether interface settings (IP, route, gateway) are assigned to the interface regardless of the link being active or only after the link has become active. |
Obtain IPv6 address | Automatic | Disabled | Manual; default: Automatic | Defines behaviour for obtaining an IPv6 address. |
Use default gateway | off | on; default: on | When checked, creates a default route for the interface. |
Use gateway metric | integer; default: none | A metric specifies the priority of the gateway. The lower the metric, the higher the priority (0 for highest priority). |
Use DNS servers advertised by peer | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether to use DNS servers obtained automatically or specified manually. |
Use custom DNS servers | off | on; default: on |
Specifies whether to use DNS servers obtained automatically or specified manually. Note: this field only becomes visible when Use DNS servers advertised by peer is set to off |
LCP echo failure threshold | integer; default: none | Presumes peer to be dead after given amount of LCP echo failures. Leave it at 0 to ignore failures. |
LCP echo interval | integer; default: none | Sends LCP echo requests at the given interval in seconds. This function is only effective in conjunction with failure threshold. |
Host-Uniq tag content | raw hex-encoded bytes; default: none | Leave empty unless your ISP require this. |
Inactivity timeout | mac; default: none | Close inactive connection after the given amount of seconds. Leave it at 0 to persist connection. |
Override MTU | integer [1..1500]; default: none | Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) – specifies the largest possible size of a data packet. |
Расширенные настройки: мобильный
Информация о расширенных настройках для мобильного протокола приведена в таблице ниже.
Field | Value | Description |
Bring up on boot | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether the interface should be launched during the boot process. If set to off, the interface would have to be brought up manually after each boot. |
Use built in IPv6-management | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether to enable prefix delegation. |
Force link | off | on; default: off | Specifies whether interface settings (IP, route, gateway) are assigned to the interface regardless of the link being active or only after the link has become active. |
Use DNS servers advertised by peer | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether to use DNS servers obtained automatically or specified manually. |
Use custom DNS servers | off | on; default: on |
Specifies whether to use DNS servers obtained automatically or specified manually. Note: this field only becomes visible when Use DNS servers advertised by peer is set to off |
Use gateway metric | integer; default: none | A metric specifies the priority of the gateway. The lower the metric, the higher the priority (0 for highest priority). |
Override MTU | integer [1..9200]; default: none | Changes the interface's allowed maximum transmission unit (MTU) size. It is the largest size of a protocol data unit (PDU) that can be transmitted in a single network layer transaction. |
Физические настройки
Раздел «Физические параметры» используется для создания ассоциаций с физическими интерфейсами и мостовыми сетевыми интерфейсами.
Field | Value | Description |
Bridge interfaces | off | on; default: on | Bridges physical interfaces specified in this configuration. |
Enable STP | off | on; default: off | Turns the use of Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) for this interface on or off. |
Interface | network interface(s); default: eth0 | Ties this network interface to physical device interfaces such as Ethernet. |
Настройки брандмауэра
Раздел «Параметры брандмауэра» используется для указания, к какой зоне брандмауэра относится этот интерфейс.
Field | Value | Description |
Create / Assign firewall-zone | firewall zone; default: none | Assigns this interface to the specified firewall zone. |
Сервер DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) - это служба, которая может автоматически настраивать параметры TCP / IP любого устройства, запрашивающего такую службу. Если вы подключите устройство, которое было настроено на автоматическое получение IP-адреса, DHCP-сервер сдаст в аренду IP-адрес из доступного пула IP-адресов, и устройство сможет обмениваться данными в частной сети.
Для просмотра конфигурации DHCP-сервера протокол интерфейса должен быть установлен на Static.
DHCP-сервер: общие настройки
Раздел General Setup используется для настройки основных рабочих параметров DHCP-сервера.
Field | Value | Description |
Enable DHCP | Enable | Disable | DHCP Relay*; default: Enable |
Turns the DHCP server on or off or enables DHCP relay*. If DHCP Relay* is selected, you will be prompted to enter an IP address of another DHCP server in your LAN. In this case, whenever a new machine connects to this device, it will redirect any DHCP requests to the specified DHCP Server. |
Start | integer [1..255]; default: 100 | The starting IP address value. e.g., if your device’s LAN IP is and your subnet mask is that means that in your network a valid IP address has to be in the range of [] ( is a special unavailable address). If the Start value is set to 100 then the DHCP server will only lease out addresses starting from |
Limit | integer [1..255]; default: 150 | How many addresses the DHCP server can lease out. Continuing from the example above: if the start address is and the server can lease out 150 addresses, available addresses will be from to (100 + 150 – 1 = 249; this is because the first address is inclusive). |
Lease time | integer [2..999999]m/h; default: 12h |
A DHCP lease will expire after the amount of time specified in this field and the device that was using the lease will have to request a new one. However, if the device stays connected, its lease will be renewed after half of the specified amount of time passes (e.g., if lease time is 12 hours, then every 6 hours the device will ask the DHCP server to renew its lease). The minimal amount of time that can be specified is 2 minutes. |
* Когда интерфейс настроен действовать как DHCP Relay, он перенаправляет все полученные сообщения DHCP запроса на другой сервер DHCP, указанным:
DHCP-сервер: дополнительные настройки
Обратитесь к таблице ниже для получения информации о разделе расширенных настроек.
Field | Value | Description |
Dynamic DHCP | off | on; default: on | Enables dynamic allocation of client addresses. If this is disabled, only clients that have static IP leases will be served. |
Force | off | on; default: off | The DHCP force function ensures that the device will always start it’s DHCP server, even if there is another DHCP server already running in the its network. By default the device’s DHCP server will not start when it is connected to a network segment that already has a working DHCP server. |
IPv4 Netmask | netmask; default: none | Sends a different netmask than the LAN netmask to DHCP clients. |
DHCP Options | dhcp options; default: none | Additional options to be added to the DHCP server. For example with '26,1470' or 'option:mtu, 1470' you can assign an MTU value per DHCP. |
DHCP-сервер: настройки IPv6
Обратитесь к таблице ниже для получения информации о разделе настроек IPv6.
Field | Value | Description |
Router Advertisement Service | disabled | relay mode | server mode | hybrid mode; default: Disabled | Specifies whether router advertisements should be enabled (server mode), relayed or disabled. |
DHCPv6 Service | disabled | relay mode | server mode | hybrid mode; default: Disabled | Specifies whether DHCPv6 server should be enabled (server), relayed (relay) or disabled (disabled). |
NDP Proxy | disabled | relay mode | hybrid mode; default: Disabled | Specifies whether NDP should be relayed or disabled. |
DHCPv6 Mode | stateless | stateful-only | stateless + stateful; default: stateless + stateful | Router announcement (RA) mode. |
Always announce default router | off | on; default: off | Default router lifetime in the the router announcement (RA) message will be set if default route is present and a global IPv6 address or if default route is present but no global IPv6 address or neither of both conditions. |
Announced DNS server | ip; default: none | Supplements DHCP-assigned DNS server entries with ones specified in this field. |
Announced DNS domains | ip; default: none | DNS domain handed out to DHCP clients. |
Статическая аренда
Аренда статических IP-адресов используется для резервирования определенных IP-адресов для определенных устройств путем их привязки к их MAC-адресу. Это полезно, когда у вас есть стационарное устройство, подключенное к вашей сети, к которому вам нужно часто обращаться, например, к принтеру, IP-телефону и т. Д.
В этом разделе отображаются аренды статического IP-адреса, которые в настоящее время существуют на этом устройстве.
Для просмотра раздела Static Lease протокол интерфейса должен быть установлен на Static.
Статический лизинг: настройки
Чтобы перейти на страницу настроек аренды, нажмите кнопку «Изменить», расположенную справа от аренды:
Вы должны быть направлены к окну, которое выглядит так:
Field | Value | Description |
MAC address | mac; default: none | MAC address of a device that is on this interface's network. |
IP address | ip; default: none | The IP address that will be reserved for the specified device. |
Статическая аренда: добавить аренду
Раздел Add Lease используется для создания новых статических аренды. Чтобы создать новый договор аренды, просто введите свое имя и нажмите кнопку «Добавить».
Лимит мобильных данных
Раздел «Ограничение мобильных данных» предоставляет вам возможность установить пределы использования данных для интерфейсов вашей мобильной сети и предупреждения об использовании данных с помощью SMS-сообщения, чтобы защитить себя от нежелательных сборов за передачу данных.
Для просмотра раздела «Ограничение мобильных данных» протокол интерфейса должен быть установлен на «Мобильный».
Field | Value | Description |
Enable data connection limit | off | on; default: off | Turns mobile data limitations on or off. |
Data limit* (MB) | integer; default: 1000 | The amount of data that is allowed to be downloaded over the specified period of time. When the limit is reached, the device will no longer be able to establish a data connection until the period is over or the data limit is reset. |
Period | Month | Week | Day; default: Day | Data limit period after which the data counter is reset on the specified Start day. |
Start day | Start hour | day [1..31] | day [Monday..Sunday] | hour [1..24]; default: hour 0 | Specifies when the period of counting data usage should begin. After the period is over, the limit is reset and the count begins over again. |
Enable SMS warning | off | on; default: off | Turns SMS warning on or off. When turned on and configured, sends an SMS message to a specified number after the SIM card uses a specified amount of data. |
Data limit* (MB) | integer; default: none | The received data limit before sending an SMS warning. After reaching using the the amount of data specified in this field, the router will send an SMS warning message to the specified phone number. |
Phone number | phone number; default: none | Recipient's phone numbers. |
Добавить интерфейс
Раздел Добавить интерфейс используется для создания дополнительных сетевых интерфейсов. Чтобы создать новый интерфейс, просто введите для него свое имя и нажмите кнопку «Добавить».
Конфигурация интерфейса
Этот раздел предоставляет информацию о конфигурации сетевого интерфейса. На устройстве есть два основных типа интерфейсов:
Локальная сеть Ethernet
Мобильный WAN
Каждый тип использует обычно использует эти протоколы интерфейса:
Static | DHCP | DHCPv6 | PPPoE | Mobile | |
Ethernet LAN |
Mobile WAN |
Чтобы начать настройку интерфейса, нажмите кнопку «Изменить» в правой части интерфейса:
Интерфейсы: if_name
Этот раздел охватывает все параметры, непосредственно связанные с сетевым интерфейсом.
Общая настройка
Раздел General Setup используется для настройки протокола и всех различных параметров, которые соответствуют каждому протоколу. Этот раздел отличается для каждого протокола.
Общая настройка: статическая
Статический протокол использует предопределенную ручную конфигурацию вместо автоматического получения параметров через аренду DHCP.
Field | Value | Description |
IPv4 address | ip4; default[for LAN]: | The IPv4 address interface of this interface. An IP address identifies a device on a network and allows it to communicate with other devices. |
IPv4 netmask | netmask; default[for LAN]: | The IPv4 netmask of this interface. A netmask is used to define how "large" a network is by specifying which part of the IP address denotes the network and which part denotes a device. |
IPv4 gateway | ip4; default: none | The IPv4 gateway address used by this interface. An interface's default gateway is the default address through which all outgoing traffic is directed. |
IPv4 broadcast | ip4; default: none | The IPv4 broadcast address used by this interface. IP broadcasts are used by BOOTP and DHCP clients to find and send requests to their respective servers. |
DNS servers | ip4; default: none | DNS server addresses that this interface will use. If left empty, DNS servers are assigned automatically. To see what DNS servers are currently used, you can check the contents of the /tmp/resolv.conf.auto file. |
Общая настройка: DHCP
Протокол DHCP используется для настройки интерфейса, который автоматически получает параметры конфигурации через аренду DHCP.
Field | Value | Description |
Hostname to send when requesting DHCP | string; default: none | A hostname for this interface used to identify this machine on the DHCP server. |
Общая настройка: DHCPv6
Протокол DHCPv6 используется для настройки интерфейса IPv6, который автоматически получает параметры конфигурации через аренду DHCP.
Field | Value | Description |
Request IPv6-address | try | force | disabled; default: try | Defines the behaviour for requesting an address. |
Request IPv6-prefix of length | integer [0..64] | Automatic | disabled ; default: Automatic | Defines how this will request a IPv6 ULA-Prefix length. If set to 'disabled' the interface will obtain a single IPv6 address without a subnet for routing. |
Общая настройка: PPPoE
Протокол PPPoE используется для настройки соединения PPP (двухточечный протокол) через порт Ethernet.
Field | Value | Description |
PAP/CHAP username | string; default: none | Username used in PAP/CHAP authentication. |
PAP/CHAP password | string; default: none | Password used in PAP/CHAP authentication. |
Access Concentrator | string; default: none | The Access Concentrator to connect to. ISPs used Access Concentrators to route their PPPoE connections. Usually, the settings are received automatically, however in some cases it is required to specify the name for an Access Concentrator. Leave empty to detect Access Concentrators automatically. |
Service name | string; default: none | The Service Name to connect to. Leave empty to detect Service name automatically. |
Общая настройка: мобильный
Мобильный протокол используется для настройки интерфейса, который может устанавливать мобильное WAN-соединение.
Field | Value | Description |
Mode | NAT | Bridge | Passthrough; default: NAT |
Mobile connection operating mode.
PDP Type | IPv4 | IPv6 | IPv4/IPv6; default: IPv4 | Specifies what of address will be requested from the operator. |
SIM | SIM1 | SIM2; default: SIM1 | Select which sim will be used for this interface. |
Auto APN | off | on; default: on | The Auto APN feature scans an internal Android APN database and selects an APN based on the SIM card's operator and country. If the first automatically selected APN doesn't work, it attempts to use the next existing APN from the database. |
APN / Custom APN | string; default: none |
An Access Point Name (APN) is a gateway between a GSM, GPRS, 3G or 4G mobile network and another computer network. Depending on the contract, some operators may require you to use an APN just to complete the registration on a network. In other cases, APN is used to get special parameters from the operator (e.g., a public IP address) depending on the contract. An APN Network Identifier cannot start with any of the following strings:
Authentication Type | NONE | PAP | CHAP; default: NONE | Authentication method that your GSM carrier uses to authenticate new connections on its network. If you select PAP or CHAP, you will also be required to enter a username and password. |
Bridge | Passthrough: MAC Address | mac; default: none |
Specifies the MAC address of the device that will receive the mobile interface's IP address in Bridge or Passthrough mode. Note: this field only becomes visible when using Bridge or Passthrough mode. |
Расширенные настройки
Раздел «Дополнительные настройки» используется для настройки некоторых более специфичных и менее часто используемых параметров интерфейса. Этот раздел отличается для каждого протокола.
Расширенные настройки: статический
Информация о расширенных настройках статического протокола приведена в таблице ниже.
Field | Value | Description |
Bring up on boot | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether the interface should be launched during the boot process. If set to off, the interface would have to be brought up manually after each boot. |
Use built in IPv6-management | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether to enable prefix delegation. |
Force link | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether interface settings (IP, route, gateway) are assigned to the interface regardless of the link being active or only after the link has become active. |
Override MAC address | mac; default: none | When set, uses a user-defined MAC address for the interface. |
Override MTU | integer [1..9200]; default: none | Changes the interface's allowed maximum transmission unit (MTU) size. It is the largest size of a protocol data unit (PDU) that can be transmitted in a single network layer transaction. |
Use gateway metric | integer; default: none | A metric specifies the priority of the gateway. The lower the metric, the higher the priority (0 for highest priority). |
IPv6 assignment length | integer [0..64] | disabled; default: 60 | Delegates a prefix of given length to the interface. |
IPv6 address | ip6; default: none |
The interface's IPv6 address. An IP address identifies a device on a network and allows it to communicate with other devices. NOTE: this field only becomes visible when IPv6 assignment length is set to disabled. Note: this field only becomes visible when IPv6 assignment length is set to disabled |
IPv6 gateway | ip6; default: none |
IPv6 prefix routed here for use on other interfaces. Note: this field only becomes visible when IPv6 assignment length is set to disabled. |
IPv6 routed prefix | ip6; default: none |
IPv6 prefix routed here for use on other interfaces. Note: this field only becomes visible when IPv6 assignment length is set to disabled. |
IPv6 assignment hint | string; default: none | The subprefix-ID that should be delegated as hexadecimal number. |
IPv6 suffix | ip6 suffix; default: none | When an IPv6 prefix (like 'a:b:c:d::') is received from a delegating server, use a suffix (like '::1') to form an IPv6 address ('a:b:c:d::1') for the interface. Leave empty to generate a random suffix. |
Расширенные настройки: DHCP
Информация о расширенных настройках для протокола DHCP приведена в таблице ниже.
Field | Value | Description |
Bring up on boot | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether the interface should be launched during the boot process. If set to off, the interface would have to be brought up manually after each boot. |
Use built-in IPv6 management | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether to enable prefix delegation. |
Force link | off | on; default: off | Specifies whether interface settings (IP, route, gateway) are assigned to the interface regardless of the link being active or only after the link has become active. |
Use broadcast flag | off | on; default: off | Required for certain ISPs. For example, Charter with DOCSIS 3. |
Use default gateway | off | on; default: on | When checked, creates a default route for the interface. |
Use DNS servers advertised by peer | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether to use DNS servers obtained automatically or specified manually. |
Use custom DNS servers | off | on; default: on |
Specifies whether to use DNS servers obtained automatically or specified manually. Note: this field only becomes visible when Use DNS servers advertised by peer is set to off |
Use gateway metric | integer; default: none | A metric specifies the priority of the gateway. The lower the metric, the higher the priority (0 for highest priority). |
Client ID to send when requesting DHCP | string; default: none | Client ID which will be sent when requesting a DHCP lease. |
Vendor Class to send when requesting DHCP | string; default: none | Vendor class which will be sent when requesting a DHCP lease. |
Override MAC address | mac; default: none | Override MAC address of the WAN interface. For example, your ISP (Internet Service Provider) gives you a static IP address and it might also bind it to your computers MAC address (i.e., that IP will only work with your computer but not with your device). In this field you can enter your computer’s MAC address and fool the gateway in to thinking that it is communicating with your computer. |
Override MTU | integer [1..9200]; default: none | Changes the interfaces allowed maximum transmission unit (MTU) size. It is the largest size of a protocol data unit (PDU) that can be transmitted in a single network layer transaction. |
Расширенные настройки: DHCPv6
Информация о расширенных настройках протокола DHCPv6 приведена в таблице ниже.
Field | Value | Description |
Bring up on boot | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether the interface should be launched during the boot process. If set to off, the interface would have to be brought up manually after each boot. |
Use built in IPv6-management | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether to enable prefix delegation. |
Force link | off | on; default: off | Specifies whether interface settings (IP, route, gateway) are assigned to the interface regardless of the link being active or only after the link has become active. |
Use default gateway | off | on; default: on | When checked, creates a default route for the interface. |
Use DNS servers advertised by peer | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether to use DNS servers obtained automatically or specified manually. |
Use custom DNS servers | off | on; default: on |
Specifies whether to use DNS servers obtained automatically or specified manually. Note: this field only becomes visible when Use DNS servers advertised by peer is set to off |
Custom delegated IPv6-prefix | ip6 prefix; default: none | Uses an (additional) user-provided IPv6 prefix for distribution to clients. |
Client ID to send when requesting DHCP | string; default: none | Client ID which will be sent when requesting a DHCP lease. |
Override MAC address | mac; default: none | When set, uses a user-defined MAC address for the interface. |
Override MTU | integer [1..9200]; default: none | Changes the interface's allowed maximum transmission unit (MTU) size. It is the largest size of a protocol data unit (PDU) that can be transmitted in a single network layer transaction. |
Расширенные настройки: PPPoE
Информация о расширенных настройках для протокола PPPoE представлена в таблице ниже.
Field | Value | Description |
Bring up on boot | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether the interface should be launched during the boot process. If set to off, the interface would have to be brought up manually after each boot. |
Use built-in IPv6 management | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether to enable prefix delegation. |
Force link | off | on; default: off | Specifies whether interface settings (IP, route, gateway) are assigned to the interface regardless of the link being active or only after the link has become active. |
Obtain IPv6 address | Automatic | Disabled | Manual; default: Automatic | Defines behaviour for obtaining an IPv6 address. |
Use default gateway | off | on; default: on | When checked, creates a default route for the interface. |
Use gateway metric | integer; default: none | A metric specifies the priority of the gateway. The lower the metric, the higher the priority (0 for highest priority). |
Use DNS servers advertised by peer | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether to use DNS servers obtained automatically or specified manually. |
Use custom DNS servers | off | on; default: on |
Specifies whether to use DNS servers obtained automatically or specified manually. Note: this field only becomes visible when Use DNS servers advertised by peer is set to off |
LCP echo failure threshold | integer; default: none | Presumes peer to be dead after given amount of LCP echo failures. Leave it at 0 to ignore failures. |
LCP echo interval | integer; default: none | Sends LCP echo requests at the given interval in seconds. This function is only effective in conjunction with failure threshold. |
Host-Uniq tag content | raw hex-encoded bytes; default: none | Leave empty unless your ISP require this. |
Inactivity timeout | mac; default: none | Close inactive connection after the given amount of seconds. Leave it at 0 to persist connection. |
Override MTU | integer [1..1500]; default: none | Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) – specifies the largest possible size of a data packet. |
Расширенные настройки: мобильный
Информация о расширенных настройках для мобильного протокола приведена в таблице ниже.
Field | Value | Description |
Bring up on boot | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether the interface should be launched during the boot process. If set to off, the interface would have to be brought up manually after each boot. |
Use built in IPv6-management | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether to enable prefix delegation. |
Force link | off | on; default: off | Specifies whether interface settings (IP, route, gateway) are assigned to the interface regardless of the link being active or only after the link has become active. |
Use DNS servers advertised by peer | off | on; default: on | Specifies whether to use DNS servers obtained automatically or specified manually. |
Use custom DNS servers | off | on; default: on |
Specifies whether to use DNS servers obtained automatically or specified manually. Note: this field only becomes visible when Use DNS servers advertised by peer is set to off |
Use gateway metric | integer; default: none | A metric specifies the priority of the gateway. The lower the metric, the higher the priority (0 for highest priority). |
Override MTU | integer [1..9200]; default: none | Changes the interface's allowed maximum transmission unit (MTU) size. It is the largest size of a protocol data unit (PDU) that can be transmitted in a single network layer transaction. |
Физические настройки
Раздел «Физические параметры» используется для создания ассоциаций с физическими интерфейсами и мостовыми сетевыми интерфейсами.
Field | Value | Description |
Bridge interfaces | off | on; default: on | Bridges physical interfaces specified in this configuration. |
Enable STP | off | on; default: off | Turns the use of Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) for this interface on or off. |
Interface | network interface(s); default: eth0 | Ties this network interface to physical device interfaces such as Ethernet. |
Настройки брандмауэра
Раздел «Параметры брандмауэра» используется для указания, к какой зоне брандмауэра относится этот интерфейс.
Field | Value | Description |
Create / Assign firewall-zone | firewall zone; default: none | Assigns this interface to the specified firewall zone. |
Сервер DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) - это служба, которая может автоматически настраивать параметры TCP / IP любого устройства, запрашивающего такую службу. Если вы подключите устройство, которое было настроено на автоматическое получение IP-адреса, DHCP-сервер сдаст в аренду IP-адрес из доступного пула IP-адресов, и устройство сможет обмениваться данными в частной сети.
Для просмотра конфигурации DHCP-сервера протокол интерфейса должен быть установлен на Static.
DHCP-сервер: общие настройки
Раздел General Setup используется для настройки основных рабочих параметров DHCP-сервера.
Field | Value | Description |
Enable DHCP | Enable | Disable | DHCP Relay*; default: Enable |
Turns the DHCP server on or off or enables DHCP relay*. If DHCP Relay* is selected, you will be prompted to enter an IP address of another DHCP server in your LAN. In this case, whenever a new machine connects to this device, it will redirect any DHCP requests to the specified DHCP Server. |
Start | integer [1..255]; default: 100 | The starting IP address value. e.g., if your device’s LAN IP is and your subnet mask is that means that in your network a valid IP address has to be in the range of [] ( is a special unavailable address). If the Start value is set to 100 then the DHCP server will only lease out addresses starting from |
Limit | integer [1..255]; default: 150 | How many addresses the DHCP server can lease out. Continuing from the example above: if the start address is and the server can lease out 150 addresses, available addresses will be from to (100 + 150 – 1 = 249; this is because the first address is inclusive). |
Lease time | integer [2..999999]m/h; default: 12h |
A DHCP lease will expire after the amount of time specified in this field and the device that was using the lease will have to request a new one. However, if the device stays connected, its lease will be renewed after half of the specified amount of time passes (e.g., if lease time is 12 hours, then every 6 hours the device will ask the DHCP server to renew its lease). The minimal amount of time that can be specified is 2 minutes. |
* Когда интерфейс настроен действовать как DHCP Relay, он перенаправляет все полученные сообщения DHCP запроса на другой сервер DHCP, указанным:
DHCP-сервер: дополнительные настройки
Обратитесь к таблице ниже для получения информации о разделе расширенных настроек.
Field | Value | Description |
Dynamic DHCP | off | on; default: on | Enables dynamic allocation of client addresses. If this is disabled, only clients that have static IP leases will be served. |
Force | off | on; default: off | The DHCP force function ensures that the device will always start it’s DHCP server, even if there is another DHCP server already running in the its network. By default the device’s DHCP server will not start when it is connected to a network segment that already has a working DHCP server. |
IPv4 Netmask | netmask; default: none | Sends a different netmask than the LAN netmask to DHCP clients. |
DHCP Options | dhcp options; default: none | Additional options to be added to the DHCP server. For example with '26,1470' or 'option:mtu, 1470' you can assign an MTU value per DHCP. |
DHCP-сервер: настройки IPv6
Обратитесь к таблице ниже для получения информации о разделе настроек IPv6.
Field | Value | Description |
Router Advertisement Service | disabled | relay mode | server mode | hybrid mode; default: Disabled | Specifies whether router advertisements should be enabled (server mode), relayed or disabled. |
DHCPv6 Service | disabled | relay mode | server mode | hybrid mode; default: Disabled | Specifies whether DHCPv6 server should be enabled (server), relayed (relay) or disabled (disabled). |
NDP Proxy | disabled | relay mode | hybrid mode; default: Disabled | Specifies whether NDP should be relayed or disabled. |
DHCPv6 Mode | stateless | stateful-only | stateless + stateful; default: stateless + stateful | Router announcement (RA) mode. |
Always announce default router | off | on; default: off | Default router lifetime in the the router announcement (RA) message will be set if default route is present and a global IPv6 address or if default route is present but no global IPv6 address or neither of both conditions. |
Announced DNS server | ip; default: none | Supplements DHCP-assigned DNS server entries with ones specified in this field. |
Announced DNS domains | ip; default: none | DNS domain handed out to DHCP clients. |
Статическая аренда
Аренда статических IP-адресов используется для резервирования определенных IP-адресов для определенных устройств путем их привязки к их MAC-адресу. Это полезно, когда у вас есть стационарное устройство, подключенное к вашей сети, к которому вам нужно часто обращаться, например, к принтеру, IP-телефону и т. Д.
В этом разделе отображаются аренды статического IP-адреса, которые в настоящее время существуют на этом устройстве.
Для просмотра раздела Static Lease протокол интерфейса должен быть установлен на Static.
Статический лизинг: настройки
Чтобы перейти на страницу настроек аренды, нажмите кнопку «Изменить», расположенную справа от аренды:
Вы должны быть направлены к окну, которое выглядит так:
Field | Value | Description |
MAC address | mac; default: none | MAC address of a device that is on this interface's network. |
IP address | ip; default: none | The IP address that will be reserved for the specified device. |
Статическая аренда: добавить аренду
Раздел Add Lease используется для создания новых статических аренды. Чтобы создать новый договор аренды, просто введите свое имя и нажмите кнопку «Добавить».
Лимит мобильных данных
Раздел «Ограничение мобильных данных» предоставляет вам возможность установить пределы использования данных для интерфейсов вашей мобильной сети и предупреждения об использовании данных с помощью SMS-сообщения, чтобы защитить себя от нежелательных сборов за передачу данных.
Для просмотра раздела «Ограничение мобильных данных» протокол интерфейса должен быть установлен на «Мобильный».
Field | Value | Description |
Enable data connection limit | off | on; default: off | Turns mobile data limitations on or off. |
Data limit* (MB) | integer; default: 1000 | The amount of data that is allowed to be downloaded over the specified period of time. When the limit is reached, the device will no longer be able to establish a data connection until the period is over or the data limit is reset. |
Period | Month | Week | Day; default: Day | Data limit period after which the data counter is reset on the specified Start day. |
Start day | Start hour | day [1..31] | day [Monday..Sunday] | hour [1..24]; default: hour 0 | Specifies when the period of counting data usage should begin. After the period is over, the limit is reset and the count begins over again. |
Enable SMS warning | off | on; default: off | Turns SMS warning on or off. When turned on and configured, sends an SMS message to a specified number after the SIM card uses a specified amount of data. |
Data limit* (MB) | integer; default: none | The received data limit before sending an SMS warning. After reaching using the the amount of data specified in this field, the router will send an SMS warning message to the specified phone number. |
Phone number | phone number; default: none | Recipient's phone numbers. |
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